The beard roller is a cosmetic device consisting of a roller covered with thin needles, which is characterized by high mobility. The impact of this device is pointwise, stimulating blood flow within the capillaries, due to which the penetration of nutrients directly into the hair follicles is enhanced. The effectiveness of the roller is proven by experts, it allows to prevent hair loss processes, to stimulate the appearance of new bristles.
The effect of
Mesoroller for beard growth has an overall positive effect on the condition of the facial skin:
- stimulates the active production of its own collagen;
- Increases the elasticity of the skin, increases its level of elasticity;
- increases the density of the bristles on the face;
- stimulates blood circulation within the capillaries;
- increases the supply of follicles with valuable substances, oxygen;
- accelerates the growth rate of the beard;
- the increase in vegetation is especially noticeable, with the simultaneous use of cosmetic, or medicinal preparations.
This device was developed to combat alopecia of the head, but, later, it was used to stimulate the appearance of stubble on the face. Dermaroller strengthens the already existing follicles, awakens from sleep the sleeping bulbs, forcing them to actively function.
The only disadvantage of such manipulations is the presence of discomfort, for some people – painful sensations accompanying this process. Most often, this problem is solved by choosing a different size of needles.
It is very important to carefully observe the sterility of the device, otherwise the probability of developing irritation on the skin surface or even getting an infection into the body increases. These problems often accompany people who do not properly care for the device, refuse to observe the rules of hygiene. Such methods of cleaning include regular rinsing of the device in an antiseptic solution.
For home use, it is recommended to use a roller, which needle length does not exceed 0, 5 mm. Using it, it is important to alternate processes of stimulation and restoration of the skin, only so you can quickly get the desired effect. To enhance it shows the use of a number of cosmetic products, or use of pharmaceuticals. If a strong passion for these procedures, increases the likelihood of developing a clear irritation, inflammation of the skin of the face.
Main contraindications
Despite the mass of benefits from the use of the roller, its use is not allowed to all categories of people. There is a list of conditions when its use is strictly prohibited.
Contraindications to the use of the dermaroller:
- the presence of acute inflammatory processes;
- moles, papillomas, warts in the area to be affected;
- oncological pathologies;
- epilepsy;
- presence of open wounds, other damages to the integrity of the skin;
- endocrine disorders.
Types of Mesorollers
Mesoroller for beard differs in its varieties. The classification of these devices depends on the length of the needles with which they are equipped, as well as the purpose.
- Medical: here the length of the needles does not exceed a millimeter. They are used exclusively for medicinal purposes, to combat stretch marks, scars.
- Cosmetic: here the range of needles varies from 0.5 to 1 mm. The devices are used in cosmetology salons to eliminate deep wrinkles.
- Homemade: here the length of the needles does not reach 0.5 mm. Suitable for stimulating the emergence of new bristles, in order to strengthen the follicles.
- LED devices of the photon type: here the frequency of the spectrum that is generated changes, which changes the penetration capacity of the rays. It makes it possible to reach even the subcutaneous layer of the tissue. Innovative mesorollers help accelerate the healing process of the skin surface, increase the elasticity of the epidermis, and increase the rate of bristle growth.
Fundamentals of proper application
To get fast, high-quality results, you can not refuse the simultaneous use of cosmetic, medicinal products. A special effect has a solution of Minoxidil, with a five percent concentration. It is applied to the chin area, and, after 8 hours, the process of roller movement is carried out. It is not necessary to remove the solution after all manipulations.
To increase the concentration of Minoxidil, some experts prefer to use a solution of Dimexid. However, its application should not be carried out more than 1 time per week. If this rule is not observed, the high concentration of the substance may cause additional strain on the heart muscle.
In addition to the use of Minoxidil, it is recommended to use coconut oil, it has this effect:
- reduces the level of damage to the skin;
- accelerates the healing process;
- moisturizes the skin, bristles;
- has a powerful antibacterial, antifungal effect;
- allows to get rid of the external causes of hair loss.
Application of the roller in conjunction with coconut oil is an excellent basis for facial skin care, vegetation, in order to strengthen, moisturize, nourish, stimulate them.
Select the size of the needles should be chosen wisely. For the male face, experts recommend using devices, needles on which do not exceed 0.5 mm. This length will be enough to penetrate to the depth to the bulb, in order to stimulate blood circulation, contributing to the active production of keratin, collagen.
This length will be sufficient for fast adaptation of the skin, its good recovery, absorption of applied oils or preparations. The upper part of the dermaroller can have 540-1080 needles.
Peculiarities of the procedure:
- First you should shave the surface of the face thoroughly, otherwise, the roller will not reach the skin, will get tangled in the vegetation;
- Now you need to carefully wash and dry your face;
- Working with the device, you need to roll it 10 times up and down the entire surface of the chin, in addition, it is important to move from right to left, in the opposite direction, diagonally;
- It is necessary to place the index finger in a special recess in order to apply pressure to the face;
- When you change direction, the roller rises and then lowers (just turn, twist it, you should not, this will lead to trauma of the skin surface);
- After exposure, you need to reapply the chosen cosmetic, give it a good soak.
During and after the procedure there may be a slight degree of discomfort, burning. This is especially evident on the skin, with a high degree of sensitivity. To reduce discomfort, at the end of all manipulations, you need to put a soothing mask for a quarter of an hour. After washing it, the face is treated with a small amount of protective cream.
The duration of the therapeutic course must be agreed with the beautician or dermatologist. The frequency of the procedures will depend on the size of the needles, equipped with a device.
- From 0.3 mm – can be repeated every day.
- Up to 0.5 mm – exposure is carried out once a week.
- From 1 to 1.5 mm – treatment once a month in the cosmetology salon.
- Over 1,5 mm – not more than once in two months, only in a medical facility.
If the treatment of the beard with mesoroller is carried out competently, following all the established rules, it is easy to obtain a firm skin, to increase microcirculation in the capillaries, which will stimulate the active growth of thick, shiny bristles.